
Monday, 28 August 2017

The Brain, an unfathomable mechanism

   For years man's brain has been likened to a computer, yet recent discoveries show that the comparison falls far short. " how does one begin to comprehend the functioning of an organ with somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty billion neurones with a million billion synapses[ connections], and with an overall firing rates of perhaps 10 million billion times per second?"
Answer: "The performance of  even the most advanced of the neural-network computers.... Has about 1-10000 the mental capacity of a housefly."
   Consider, then, how much a computer fails to measure up to a human brain, which is so remarkably superior.
      What man-made computer can repair itself, write its program, or improve over the years? When a computer system needs to be adjusted,when a computer system needs to be adjusted, a programmer merit and enter new coded instructions. Our brain does not work automatically, both in the early years of life and in old age. You would not be exaggerating to say that's the most advanced computers are very primitive compared to the brain. Scientists have called it "the most complicated structure known" and " the most complex object in the universe." Consider some discoveries that have led many to conclude that the human brain is the product of a caring designer or creator.
since we have such a marvelous instrument, why not we make the best and most inexplicable use of it.
Our brain is powerful beyond measure.

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