
Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Understanding the ABC's of meningitis

UNDOUBTEDLY, the outbreak of meningitis in the country is a source of grave concern. Many reports of such cases have been made throughout the country causing troubles and heartaches in the minds of the citizens.
But the understanding of such an illness gives us hope for prevention.
Given the wide outbreak many citizens have become fearful and anxious.
What it is?
Meningitis is a condition in which the meninges become inflamed. This inflammation is usually caused by an infection of the fluid surrounding the brain and the spinal cord.
How it is transmitted
the maningitis outbreak currently affecting several places can be traced to a type of bacterial meningitis scientifically called Neissera Meningitis,
Symptoms you should look out for:
The most common symptoms of meningitis include a stiff neck, high fever, sensitivity to light, confusion, headaches and vomiting. These symptoms may make other infectious diseases such as malaria. Therefore, it is very important to seek medical care services at health centres when you or someone you know experience any or all of the symptoms- especially sudden neck stiffness. Please do not assume that it is something less serious, go and see a healthcare professional it is very advisible.
Preventing meningitis: important steps to note:
    1.Meningitis is an infectious disease. As a result, it is extremely important for us to practice good hygiene if you want to prevent the spread of this current disease. Hand washing using soap prevents the spread to individuals especially those who care for an affected family member or those who have touched infected objects.
   2. Coughing and not spitting indiscriminately in public.
   3. If someone you know or care for is infected, please do not share cups and other utensils without washing them with soap and water.
   4. Vaccination. It is critical to vaccinate people living in affected areas.
Please note: If prevention fails, the next step is early treatment.

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