

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Convulsions in Children- A quick and effective first aid guild

Appears to have a seizure with uncontrolled, rapid shaking

Has trouble breathing
Turns blue
Hits his head before or during a convulsion
Is unconscious for several minutes
Might have ingested something poisonous
Convulsions, also known as seizures, in babies and young children can be terrifying for parents, and to be safe you should seek emergency help. However, convulsions often don't cause serious health problems. In toddlers,though rare, fevers can sometimes trigger convulsions.

Call Doctor If:

Even if your child has had a convulsion before and your pediatrician has told you what to do, you should still call your pediatrician.

While You're Waiting for Medical Help

If your child is breathing normally, keep your child safe:

Place your child on the floor on his or her side and clear away objects that are in close proximity.
Loosen tight clothing surrounding the head or neck.
Don't put anything in your child's mouth or try to stop the convulsion unless your pediatrician has told you what to do.
If your child vomits, move him onto his side and clear out his mouth.
Don't try to hold your child down or restrain his movements.

Culled from WebMD.

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